Navigating Towards Shared Responsibility
in Research and Innovation Approach,
Process and Results of the Res-AGorA Project
This book is the result of the research project “Res-AGorA” – Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame. A Constructive Socio-normative Approach), a three-year (2013–2016), EU-funded project, which had the objective to develop a comprehensive governance framework for responsible research and innovation. As such, Res-AGorA is part of and contributes to the vibrant debate on how to translate the ambitious aims of excellent science, competitive industry and a better society into principles for responsible research and innovation – without compromising on sustainability goals or ethically acceptable and socially desirable conditions.
Book editors: Ralf Lindner, Stefan Kuhlmann, Sally Randles, Bjørn Bedsted, Guido Gorgoni, Erich Griessler, Allison Loconto, Niels Mejlgaard.
The e-paper book can be accessed here